On Saturday, June 10, 2023, Christians from Poland and Ukraine participated in the latest conference of the Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute in Lublin, entitled „The Role of the Media in the Mission of the 21st Century Church.” The lectures were led by Pastor Pawel Chojecki.
The issue of the media’s role in the Church’s mission was considered in the view and context of the Bible, both the books of the Old and New Testaments. Participants in the institute took part in exercises during which they studied the Bible stories in detail in order to look for elements that can be applied to contemporary media coverage. They also considered what Christian media should be characterized by in order to be successful. Together with the lecturer, the Institute participants worked out a number of ways to effectively reach Polish society with the Christian message.
Lectures from the tenth convention are on the YouTube channel of the Polish-Ukrainian Ukrainian Bible Institute.
The lectures will be given by Pawel Chojecki, pastor of the New Covenant Church in Lublin and co-founder of the Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute in Lublin. Pawel Chojecki is also the founder and editor-in-chief of Internet TV, the monthly magazine „Go Against the Tide,” and the publishing house „Against the Tide.” Several years ago, he initiated the Megachurch project, an initiative to evangelize Poland based on four pillars: strong local churches, modern media, a Christian university and Christians in politics. In June 2022, together with the rector of the Irpen Bible Seminary Pastor Dr. Igor Yaremchuk, he decided to establish the Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute in Lublin.
The Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute in Lublin is the first project of its kind in our country. The main goal of the Institute is to integrate biblical Christians from Ukraine and Poland to carry out evangelistic and church projects together, as well as to exchange experiences of working for Jesus in the Ukrainian and Polish peoples, learn from each other and pray together for the future of our nations. The lecturers are pastors, professors and Christian leaders drawn from various evangelical churches and organizations.
The first lectures of the Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute in Lublin were held on August 20, 2022. In less than a year there were 10 conferences of the Institute with the following topics:
- „Discipline in the Church”.
- „How to read and study the Bible independently?”
- „Reformation in Poland – lessons for contemporaries”.
- „Will our generation carry out the great missionary command of Jesus in Poland?”
- „Christianity and Psychology. Pastoral care in the prevention of mental dysfunctions, diseases and disorders”
- „How to get power in the state?”
- „Polish characteristics of Christian education and the organization of Christian camps”.
- „God of Orphans”
- „The Bible as History”.
- „The Role of the Media in the Mission of the Church in the 21st Century”.
Those interested in the activities of the Polish-Ukrainian Bible Institute in Lublin are welcome to contact: [email protected]